


This office is responsible for the following:

  • 记录任何和所有类型的文件,影响不动产所有权在迪基县,ND
  • Filing Wills for safekeeping
  • Filing Corner Monument Records
  • Filing Burial Permits
  • 维护和保存供公众使用的记录
  • 我们根据公开档案法提供信息,但不保证其充分性. 本办公室对文件的准确性、错误或遗漏不承担任何责任

Contact: Kelly K Schmidt

Phone: (701) 349-3249, Ext. 5
Fax: (701) 349-4639

Dickey County Courthouse
309 N. 2nd Street
P.O. Box 148
Ellendale, ND 58436


Office Hours: 8:00am – 12:00pm, 12:30pm-4:30pm

Recording Fees

General Requirements:

  • $20 for documents with one (1) to six (6) pages
  • 7到25页的文件65美元
  • 超过25页的任何额外页面每页3美元
  • 所有文件必须在第一页的顶部留出3英寸的空白,以便记录信息
    • NDCC 11-18-05.1a(4) "A space of at least three inches [7.必须在每件乐器的第一页顶部提供62厘米的记录信息. If a space of at least three inches [7.62厘米]在第一页的顶部没有提供, the recorder shall add a page, 并且必须根据收费结构收取额外的页码费."
      • 提交者可以在离页面顶部至少三英寸的地方添加带有文档标题的封面,这将作为第一页. 这将确保提交者确切地知道将计算多少页
      • 如果记录员必须增加一页,而6页的文件结果是7页,将收取65美元的费用
      • 如果记录器在25页或更多页的文档中添加一页, the additional $3 per page will be assessed
  • 文件必须在每页的顶部、底部或侧面有1英寸的边距. 如果没有,将额外收取10美元的费用
  • Documents that satisfy, release, assign, subordinate, continue, amend or extend, 在引用前10个相关文件号码后,每个文件号码(书/页)是否需要额外支付3美元的费用
  • Documents containing section, township, 范围法律说明将收取额外1美元的费用,每部分后列出的前10部分


  • Subdivision plat fee for lots 1-20 is $20; over 20 lots is $50    
  • 检验已包括在一般要求费用中.

FILED documents:

  • $10 filing fee
  • Original documents that are stored in our office
    • Corner Monument Records
    • Burial Permits
    • Wills for safekeeping

 Copy Request fees

  • $1 per page
  • For a certified copy, $5 for the first page & $2 for each additional page

 NDRIN -北达科他州记录信息网络

  • $30 a month
  • $1 per page for copies
  • Dickey County & 49 other ND counties upload their documents to NDRIN
  • Dickey County records go back to 1990 online


  • UCC/CNS filings are to be filed online with the Secretary of State
  • Fixture Filings are to be filed online and also 在适当的县记录,与上述相同的记录费用

EFFECTIVE AUGUST 1, 2017: NDCC 11-18-02.2


Pick the appropriate statement below & type it IN FULL on your deed.


过时的 : ______________                  签署 : ___________________

                                                      Grantee or Agent


不适用,因为本契约是为获N . _____分区豁免的其中一项交易而订立的.D.C.C. Section 11-18-02.2(6).

过时的 : ______________                    签署 :_____________________                                                                                               受让人或代理人


                A. Property owned or used by public utilities.

                B. Property classified as personal property.

                C. 当授予人与受让人是同一家族或公司的附属公司(如果知道的话)时的出售.

                D. 出售:作为财产结算的出售.

                E. 所有的强迫出售,抵押赎回权取消,和税收销售.

                F. 所有销售给或来自宗教、慈善或非营利组织.

                G. 所有的销售,当有一个指示的改变使用的新业主.

                H. 所有财产所有权的转让,并给予转让契据.

                I. Sales of property not assessable by law.

                J. Agricultural lands of less than eighty acres (32.37 hectares).

                K. A transfer that is pursuant to a judgment. (Removed as of August 1st, 2023.)

Commonly asked Questions:

  • Who owns a piece of property?

有一份你正在查询的财产的合法说明是很有帮助的. We will provide you with the last deed of record. You may also subscribe to the NDRIN website. 这是一个基于订阅的网站,在北达科他州的50个县上传他们的房地产记录.

  • How do I transfer property?

在大多数情况下,你需要起草一份契约来转让财产. 我们建议您联系房地产律师或产权公司. 我们没有可用的表格,也无法帮助您了解此类文件的合法性. North Dakota is a race to record state.

  • How do I obtain a copy of my deed?

你可亲临、致电、邮寄或电邮索取契约副本. 拥有财产的法律描述是很有帮助的. Copy fees are $1 a page. 认证副本第一页5美元,每多一页2美元.  Payment is required up front.

  • Can I get a copy of the Index pages?

我们的索引页没有数字化,目前无法提供副本.  你需要进来申请借阅我们的书.





迪基县记录办公室提供你的房地产文件的电子记录. 您需要通过以下经批准的电子录音提供商注册并获得资格,才能在我们的办公室开始这项服务.

ePrepare® | eRecording Solutions | CSC


eRecording Partners Network (ePN)


SIMPLEFILE (Nationwide)


版权所有©2007 - 2024迪基县及其许可人.

我们接受visa、mastercard、discover、American express

迪基县没有年龄歧视, color, disability, gender expression/identity, genetic information, marital status, national origin, public assistance status, sex, sexual orientation, status as a U.S. veteran, race or religion, Direct inquires to the Auditor's Office, PO Box 215, Ellendale ND 58436, (701) 349-3249, extension 3.